
Linqk more than just an employment agency

  • Flexibility

  • Quality

  • Reliable

  • Network

We go beyond the CV
We do more than just place you in a new position: we find the ideal match for you. To do that, we take the time to get to know you. We will work to understand your skills, aspirations and work style to find the perfect vacancy for you. We only show you vacancies that match your qualifications and we check whether your personality fits your new team and manager. We also make sure that the company we place you with aligns with your professional and personal goals.

Local is on your side
LINQK is run by real Northerners . We care deeply about the region where we do business, because it is also our home. Being local, we have built long-standing relationships with employers in your area and understand the job market in a way only a local can.

Careers, not just jobs
We invest in your career, not just finding your next job. In addition to taking the time to really understand your needs, we provide ample resources to help you grow as a professional. We want to lay a foundation for many years of cooperation. When you're ready for something new - a new company or a complete career switch - LINQK is there for you.

Security & health
We attach great importance to safety and health and will only place you with companies that also strive for this. It is our policy to visit employer locations to conduct workplace inspections and evaluations. This gives us an idea of the workplace and possible risks.